NEO X Recco®

NEO integrate RECCO  Technology to increase your safety. 

In case of avalanches and emergencies or if lost in the outdoors. RECCO
rescue reflectors make you searchable by organized rescue teams searching with  RECCO  detectors.

Of course, RECCO ®  technology is not a substitute for an avalanche


The technology is a two-part system, the detectorsends out a directional radar signal like the beam of a flash light. Once the beam of the signal hits the RECCO reflector the signal is echoed back anddirects the rescuer to your location.

The RECCO technology is a global standard and handheld detectors are carried by professional rescue teams worldwide for avalanche rescue. In addition, RECCO SAR helicopter detectors are used to scan large areas from air to locate a missing person in the outdoors. The RECCO SAR helicopter detectors have been released in 2015 and are operative at the moment at certain areas in the Alps, North Americaand Scandinavia. More areas are added constantly.

It is important to note that RECCO reflectors DO NOT substitute the tools necessary for companionrescue; avalanche transceivers, probe and shovel. They are a simple additional tool for everyone to always be searchable to professional rescuers.


1. The RECCO detector emits a directional radar signal, like the beam of a flashlight.

2. When the radar signal hits the RECCO reflector, it is echoed back to the detector and points the rescuer in the direction of the victim.

3. The closer the detector gets to the reflector the stronger the returned-signal, ultimately allowing the rescuer to pinpoint the victim's location.